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Ted House

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

In late February of 1973, someone put a hand drawn state 1A tournament bracket in my hand, and the rest was history!

The White River Hornets reached the pinnacle that season, and I was hooked. After attending six state tournaments in the 70's, I have now made 38 consecutive state tournament appearances in the Tacoma Dome and the SunDome.

After graduating from MBHS in 79, I attended WSU in the early 80's.

In the 85-86 season, I got a seat on the bench as an assistant at Lynden, and continued that through 1999.

In 2007-08, I found a newly started website called,, and became involved in a lot of behind-the-scenes work, as the site grew like wildfire over the years. That was also the first basketball season where I began blogging about boys basketball in the Northwest Conference. 16 years later, here we are.

I think my favorite part of doing this is getting athletes’ names in print.  That’s for the parents.  As a dad of three former high school athletes, there was always something special about reading your kid’s name or hearing those names over the public address.

I am no longer assisting on the website, so don't ask me to fix a score. But I hope you will continue to follow that website for the important information it provides.

However, if you want to continue to follow the weekly happenings of Northwest Conference basketball, be sure to tune in often.

Thanks for following along,

~ Ted House


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